Story Behind Blue Hibiscus Gardens
Blue Hibiscus (Alyogyne huegelii) is an Australian evergreen bush that has lilac or purple flowers. My family loves the tropical hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) flowers, but they can be challenging in the Northern California winter. The Alyogne Huegelii looks similar to the tropical flowers, but it is hardier and requires little water once established. Therefore, it is more appropriate for our climate. It gives a taste of the tropics without the requirements.
When I was a young child, I spent my summers in my grandmother's garden in Turkey where she had tomatoes, roses, peppers sprinkled among quince, cherry, hazelnut, and mulberry trees. Even now every time I touch a tomato plant, I remember her and her garden. That is how I started gardening. I had to have those tasty tomatoes for myself. California's Mediterranean climate was a perfect match.
Before having any ground to garden in, I started out with containers on my townhouse patio. Other residents would stop by and ask me how I managed in such a small space. I had a fig tree and a mandarin orange tree in wine barrels and tomatoes in the largest pots I could find.
Once I had access to a yard, I was forever linked to gardening.
After an engineering career, I obtained an Environmental Design and Horticulture degree as my second career. Since 2015 I have been helping hundreds of clients with their planting, planning, irrigation, lighting and hardscape needs with utmost professionalism, attention to detail and scientific solutions. Let's create beautiful outdoor spaces together. Email me about your residential landscape design needs or use the Contact page.
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